So I made the decision, bought my ticket and anxiously awaited July 20th.
During this time I read about all the different "orders" on the Andrew WK street team site that I'm part of. Simple tasks such as posting a video link earns points, but dressing as Andrew at Warped got you 500. Now, I've dressed like Andrew before just for fun but never around this many people who would actually know what I was trying to pull off.
So the hunt for white pants begun. I must have tried on at least 10 different pairs. None were right. Too tight, too see-through, wrong material, too expensive. I almost gave up, but on a whim decided to try ebay. Jackpot! They arrived the day before the concert and fit perfectly.
The night before the concert I packed a ridiculous amount of things into my backpack. Energy bars, sunscreen, paper, phone, camera, chapstick, bandaids, tide pen, canned vegetables, etc. It was a bit excessive.
It was hard to sleep that night. I've been to Warped Tour before, but that was back in high school. And I've seen Andrew twice before, but I knew this crowd was going to be way more into it. I did eventually get some sleep and woke up feeling ready.
I went through my normal routine. Shower, coffee, cereal, make a sandwich, get ready to go. I take everything I need and head to the metro. I reach the end of the orange line and buy my MARC train ticket for the next leg of the journey.
Somewhere in between the purchase of my ticket and Snapple and the walk up to the trains I see a man stop in the middle of the big walkway. He is talking to me, but I can't really understand him at first. I do hear the word "beautiful" though, so of course I stop. He tells me that he just wanted to let me know how beautiful I was and that I don't need to be a tall blonde to be that way. He seemed genuine and I was glad to get such a compliment dressed like Andrew WK. He went on to tell me he just got out of jail and hasn't seen a beautiful woman in a while. He said his named was 88 Fingers and proceeded to show me the tattoo reflecting that on his bicep. He then asked if he could buy my Snapple from me for $1. I declined saying I just bought it and had to catch my train. He said that that was fine and then asked if I had a boyfriend. I told him I do and he was also fine with that. (The best part is next) He told me that some areas around here are rough, so if I ever had a problem I should tell them 88 Fingers is my boyfriend and they will RUN. He laughed and wished me well.
Got on the train safe and made it all the way to the BWI airport. From here my options were to take a 90 minute shuttle to the mall across from the venue or take a cab that would take 20 minutes. Time is more valuable than money, so I got in a cab.
It was probably the nicest cab driver I have ever encountered. Before he started the meter, he figured out the fastest and cheapest route to get me there. We had a non-stop conversation that lasted the entire ride. He was interested in what I had to say and shared some good stories as well. He got me to the venue in no time and also wished me well.
I started walking to the front gate and the line was massive. Gates didn't even open for another hour. I found the booth that took the food donations and received my "skip the line" wrist band. They pointed me in the general direction of where I needed to go, but that just led me to the box office. So I asked them and they told me vague directions to find a security guard. There was no security guard. After sitting around and watching other people I saw a path off to the side. I followed it through a parking lot, which actually took me to the other side of the venue. And there was the (much shorter) line for people with the wrist bands.
It was a long, hot wait filled with smoking teenagers but all of us got to go in 15 minutes early. I rushed around the entire venue to find the big display sign that had all the set times. (There was no way I was paying for a paper schedule when I could just write it down myself). All the way back at the front of the venue I found it. Andrew WK at 12:55 and Sum 41 at 7:45. Perfect!

Next step was to find Andrew's merch tent and take a picture next to it with his set time.

Next it was time to stake out my spot and to wait for Andrew. I rushed to the mainstage and got to the front row, off to the left. Anarbor came on first and were good. I haven't really heard them before but really all I was thinking about was how awesome Andrew WK was going to be. During the set change I demolished my sandwich and most of my bottle of water. Then, Andrew's band started coming out. The chants of "It's. Time. To. Party." started and the crowd went crazy. I knew this was going to be amazing.
I was blown away. Seeing Andrew backed by a full live band was awesome. And the addition of his wife Cherie Lily just took it over the edge. She stayed so intense the entire set and really got the crowd amped. New role model? I think so.
My favorite part wasn't just singing along as loud as I could or being with all those people. It was getting to see how much fun they were having on stage and knowing they wanted all of us to have just as much. Andrew WK shows are genuine non-stop parties. Andrew considers his fans his friends. There is never a dull moment and you can't stop smiling, even after it's over.
During the set they threw t-shirts and guitar picks into the crowd. I didn't get one, but knew I would have my own soon.
After this excitement, it was time to explore. I ate a power bar or two, paid way too much for a gatorade and found as many freebie tents as possible. Free condoms from Trojan, free candy from Wonka and free chicken wings from a 7-11 truck. Awesome.
I tried to make it to the Sum 41 signing, but apparently they "sold out" of the meet and greet passes. Lame.
I decided my best bet would be to sit and wait until it was time for Andrew's singing. I got back to his tent and there was already a couple of people forming a line. I knew I made the right decision. I set up camp and waited. During my wait I met a few of the coolest people I talked to all day. We were all brought together through our love of AWK. And the general consensus was that my all-white Andrew inspired outfit was pretty spot on. (I did see at least one other guy dressed up).
The time was finally right and Andrew arrived. After patiently waiting it was finally my turn. During the past few weeks I had come up with all kinds of potential questions to ask him. All of that went out the window and all I could think to do was walk towards him with outstretched arms and a big, goofy smile on my face. Andrew was seated but he once he realized what I was going for he stood up and completed the hug. I mumbled about how amazing he was and asked if he could sign something for me. While he was preparing that I told him (on a complete whim) that I had a present for him, but if it's too weird he doesn't have to accept it. I pulled a slightly bruised banana out of my backpack. He seemed excited (if you follow Andrew on Twitter you know how much he loves bananas) and sincerely thanked me for bringing him a nutritious snack. After he wrote me a loving thank you about the banana we took a picture together.
After that it was more walking around, catching glimpses of other bands and some really good people watching. I came back for the guitar giveaway, but came out the same way I came in. Which is fine, because now I don't have to learn how to play guitar.
More snacks and shenanigans later, I found myself at the Glamour Kills Stage waiting for Sum 41. Haste the Day and Pennywise put on good shows but Sum 41 is always a crowd pleaser banging out all of their hits. That was definitely the rowdiest crowd I was part of all day. It was definitely good shows and good times all around.

Leaving the venue was a little funny. I must have asked 5 different staff members which exit would be the best to walk to the nearby mall. I was pointed toward a path in a forest. I followed that and eventually found my way to the mall and the correct parking lot where my wonderful boyfriend was waiting to take me home.
I may be several years older than the average Warped attendee, but I definitely would do it again in a heartbeat.
• For more pictures check out my facebook album
• To listen to Andrew WK music, check out his myspace